

To deal with all types of payment made to contractors, suppliers & employees, preparation of Budget Estimates, maintaining Annual accounts and Audit of the annual accounts of cantonment board.




1. ab20-21


To be thorough with CFSR, Cantonment Account Code, FRSR, Leave Rules, CCS Conduct Rules and other laws, rules, instructions issued from time to time.

1. To check all the challans and transit bills and initial for credit and payment.

2. To check all bills of payments and initial for signature of CEO.

3. To check all the payments made by cheque and cash and initial the cheques for CEO’s Signature.

4. To reply all the Command and DGDE letters.

5. To initial the Service Books, other letters of the Section.

6. To check the posting of all the day to day income and expenditure books, General Cash Register.

7. To manage and control all the staff of the Accounts Section and adjust their works in the event of leave etc.

8. To deal with all court cases of employees and liaise with the Advocate.

9. To scrutinize and initial all the documents produced by Accounts Section staff.

10. To check pay and pension bills after preparation and initial on the same for CEO’s signature.

11. Overall to check all the works of Accounts Section, the accounts and all correspondence of any nature belonging to section.

12. To prepare the Annual Budget and Annual Consolidated Accounts.

13. To ensure that the Cantonment Accounts Code is observed in all transactions of accounts section.

14. To prepare replies to audit objections concerned with Accounts Section.

15. To maintain the account books viz. Main Cash Book, Classified abstract.

16.  To make reconciliation with Bank Pass Books.

17. To scrutinize the bills received from Storekeeper and other departments, bills with MB of contractors, TA/DA claim, LIC claims, etc; and to check stock book registers.

18. To scrutinize the bay bills at the end of every month and prepare pay bill registers for drawing recovery cheques.

19. To prepare monthly income & Expenditure Statement.

20. To record all bills after payment.

21. To prepare pay bill of CEO and maintain the file of pay and allowances of CEO.

22. To prepare Conservancy Agreement and deal with all correspondence regarding Conservancy payments and to prepare final bills of conservancy.

23. To deal correspondence regarding grant-in-aid.

24. To prepare budget and deal with Schools grants, from State Government.

25. To settle audit objections.

26. To prepare budget estimates with the help of other staff.

27. To maintain investment register.

28. To prepare annual accounts.

29. To calculate income tax of the Cantonment Board employees.

30. To send the Statistical Reports to Statistic Department.

31. To perform the duties as Assistant Central Public Information Officer for the purpose of The Right to Information Act, 2005.