In 1924 the Cantonments Act was enacted to introduce local self-government in the cantonments which contained substantial civil population. The act was the first model municipal Act for the cantonments, but in its implementation, decentralization and democratic norms were largely compromised because of the status of the citizen who occupied the property only as licensees of the Government. Recently in year 2006, the Cantonments Act, 1924 was replaced by the Cantonment Act, 2006 with a view to introduce greater decentralization and improve the financial base of cantonment boards to make provisions for developmental activities and management of defence land and audit. Under the Cantonment Act 2006, cantonments are divided into four categories based on the population criteria. The Prayagraj Cantonment falls under Category II (population 26,904). Cantonment boards are statutory bodies–a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire and hold property. Their other functions are, more or less, the same as those of municipal bodies.
1.Cantonment Act 1924
2. Cantonment Accounts Code 1924
3. Cantonment Lands Administration Rule 1937
4. Cantonment Fund Servant Rules 1937
5. Cantonment Property Rules 1925
6. Cantonment Electoral Rules 1945
7. Public Premises Act (Unauthorized Occupants) 1971
8. Cantonment Act 2006
9. Cantonment Electoral Rules, 2007
10. Cantonments Bill, 2003
11. Appeals from Executive Order Cantonments Act, 2006
12. Cantonment (Regulation of Procedure of Committees of Arbitration) Rules, 1985
13. Cantonment form of Annual Report on Cantonment Administration Rules 1986
14. Cantonment (Forms and Manner of Service of Notice) Rules, 1986
15. Cantonment Account Rule 2020
As per section 8, 9 and 21 of Registration of Births & Deaths Act 1969 it is mandatory that every birth and death taking place anywhere in India must be registered with the Registrars appointed by the respective State Governments under the ambit of this law for the purpose. Failure to comply the directives mentioned above is liable to be punished in accordance with the section 23 of the Registration of Births & Deaths 1969. For all the births and deaths taking place within the Cantonment, the registration shall be done by the Chief Executive Officer, who is ex-officio registrar for the purpose of the Registration Act 1969.
Though the information regarding births and deaths taking place anywhere in the Cantonment can be submitted to the Registrar by anybody but the responsibility to give the information rests with the following, in case of, Residential or non-residential house – Head of the house or house-hold Hospitals / health centers / nursing homes etc. – Medical Officer-in-Charge Jail – Jailor-in-Charge. Hostels / Dharamshalas etc. – Person in-charge. Village – Village headman. sewhere – In-charge of local police station.
Any person desirous of correcting the entries mentioned in the birth and death register which, in his opinion, are erroneous must produce two creditable persons, having knowledge of the facts of the case and a declaration signed by him, setting forth the nature of the error before the registrar who after considering the facts of the case shall pass necessary orders thereon
1. Every death and birth in the family must get registered.
2. The registration of the birth of a child should be done as early as possible and subsequently his or her name should also be got registered.
3. Registration is also required for still birth and adopted children.
4. Erroneous entries must be rectified at the earliest.
5. Do not give any incorrect information to the registrar.
6. Do not leave any column blank in the registration form.