
CONSTRUCTION OF GUEST HOUSE ROOMS SECOND CALL (गेस्ट हाउस के कमरों का निर्माण दूसरा कॉल)View
Tender Notice for construction of rooms and operations of STPsView
मेघरगंज न्यू कैंट इलाहाबाद स्थित मैरेज हॉल का संचालनView
Operation of marriage hall situated at Meagherganj New Cantt AllahabadView
Public NoticeView
Short Term Tender Notice for removal of slit from Saraswati Ghat Fort Cantt AllahabadView
Notice for running of Air Rifle shooting range at Cantt High SchoolView
Tender NoticeView
E-auction of Marriage Hall at Meagherganj PrayagrajView
Tender NoticeView
Tender for improvement works in CB Guest houseView
Notice inviting e-tender 4th CallView
Refund of examination feesView
Tender: Contract for lifting dead animalsView
Application form JEView
Tender Notice : Construction of hall at first floor of cantonment general hospital New Cantt AllahabadView
Recruitment of Site Engineer on contract basisView
Tender Notice : Construction of IERT Salori Junction-1 at Old Cantt, PrayagrajView
Tender Notice for widening, strengthening and beautification of Raina road from Mazar Chauraha to office of Botanical survey of indiaView
Tender notice : Renovation of gate situated at Saraswati ghat road fort canttView
Tender Notice: Laying network of pipe line and allied civil work for recycling of treated water 2.0 mld stp at sadar bazarView
Tenders for building, miscellaneous, water supply, drains and construction of gateView
Tender Notice for construction of Roads in Maha KumbhView
Renovation of Gate situated at Saraswati Ghat Road, Fort Cantt AllahabadView
Public NoticeView
Tender Notice : Construction of RoadsView
E- Auction of Operation of Marriage Hall situated at Meagherganj, New Cantt. Allahabad (4nd CALL)View
Tender Notice for Electrical Work in Mahakumbh 2024-25View
Tender Notice: Construction of New School Building & Construction of gate at crossing of Akbar Road and Ponappa RoadView
Tender Notice: Term contract for (Cantt Fund Building, Misc Improvement works, maintenance of roads, repair of water supply, repair of drains, operation of 2 STP)View
Tender Notice for construction work at various place fort cantonmentView
Tender Notice: Tender for construction, beautification, widening and shifting of electrical line etc workView
Tender Notice: Tender for construction, widening and shifting of electrical line etc workView
Tree Auction NoticeView
Corrigendum: 3rd CALL : E- Auction of Operation of Marriage Hall situated at Meagherganj, New Cantt. AllahabadView
3rd CALL : E- Auction of Operation of Marriage Hall situated at Meagherganj, New Cantt.Allahabad –View
Tender NoticeView
Tender NoticeView
E- Auction of Operation of Marriage Hall situated at Meagherganj, New Cantt.AllahabadView
NIT : Identification of locations for installation of hoardings in Allahabad CantonmentView
E-Tender NoticeView
Notice Inviting Expression of Interest(EOI) : Identification of locations for installation of hoardings in Allahabad CantonmentView
E- Auction of Operation of Marriage Hall situated at Meagherganj, New Cantt. AllahabadView
Public Notice for MutationView
Tender Notice: Shifting of Pipeline in Parade GroundView
Auction Notice: Parking fee collection rights in Fort Cantonment near Bade Hanuman Mandir and Ramghat chauraha Beni Bundh in Allahabad CantonmentView
Tender Notice : Shifting of Pipeline at Parade Ground PrayagrajView
Tender Notice – Third CallView
Tender Notice : Shifting of Pipeline at Parade Ground, PrayagrajView
Tender NoticeView
Auction Notice : Parking Fee collection rights in Fort Cantonment Near Bade Hanuman Mandir and Ram Ghat Chauraha Beni Bundh in Allahabad CantonmentView
Corrigendum : Ref- Adv. No. ENGG/2023-24/07/CBA/2023/1503 dated 12.10.2023View
Tender NoticeView
Public Notice for MutationView
Public notice for mutation sy no – 111/2View
Publication of Electoral RollView
Running of Canteen in premises of Cantonment General Hospital, New Cantt, AllahabadView
International Yoga Day 2023View
Examination Postpone NotificationView
Notice: Ward wise Claims and ObjectionsView
Election Notice : 2023View
Revised Examination ScheduleView
Recruitment for various postsView
Public NoticeView
Result Draughtsman Examination 2023View
Merit List Draughtsman ExamView
Answer Key Draughtsman ExamView
Question Paper Draughtsman ExamView
Examination InstructionsView
Examination Schedule for various postsView
Employment Notice (Corrigendum)View
List of Rejected application for the post of Draughtsman (Civil)View
Examination notice for the post of draughtsman (Civil)View
Notice regarding the post of Junior Engineer (Civil)View
Public Notice : Draft Solid Waste Management BYE-LAWS 2022View
Recruitment NotificationView
Draughtsman SyllabusView
Auction notice of shops in Cantt AreaView
Corrigendum for the Post of DraughtsmanView
Recruitment for the Post of DraughtsmanView
Public NoticeView
Public NoticeView
Public Notice for MutationView
Corrigendum: For Cantonment Guest House New Cantt and Kydganj Plot Fort CanttView
Updated : Recruitment of deceased dependent employeesView
Recruitment of deceased dependent employeesView
Public Notice – Property TaxView
Public Notice for MutationView
Tender Notice for Nursery near Cantonment ParkView
Recruitment of deceased dependent employeesView
Tender Notice for Nursery at Meagherganj New CanttView
Tender Notice of Marriage Hall , RA Bazar New CanttView
Auction Notice of Multipurpose Hall on the first floor of library at New Cantt AllahabadView
Notice for plant nursery to the shed located in the park located at Meagherganj New Cantt AllahabadView